
Monday 30 May 2016

Life Update

At the beginning of the year I set myself the task to be completely active on my blog. From what was a dream of mine, since blogging even became a thing, I decided to really pursuit it and I did, but this was when I was working part-time and I had more time back then! If you read my 16 things for 2016 you would have seen that the first thing on my list was to get a job, and a job did I get!

The jobs I've had since I decided to start working having been, what I believe, God given. Starting off in a junior position for a digital marketing company was beyond what I expected for this year and I can honestly see the difference in my personality and my life. It may not seem as a huge deal to some but being surrounded by those working in the industry is inspiring in itself and I cannot wait to work my way up.

Although I accomplished one of my goals for this year it has definitely changed the 'free' time I have. Working 9-5:30, being a wife, having a dog and other things that I have going on, have tired me out completely! That's one of the reasons why I haven't done any outfit posts and favourites. Plus, I don't think its fair if I write about products that I haven't really tried just for the sake of bringing out a post and I hope that you understand? Hopefully :)

However, here are a couple of pictures that I took over the weekend while at the park with Oreo and some outfit snaps. 

Our weekends normally consist of waking up late and by late I mean 8:30. Our bodies are so accustomed to waking up between 6:45 - 7:15 during the week that sleeping till later is impossible. 
We try to visit the farmers market at least twice a month for a quick walk around, seeing what's new and buy some organic veggies!

Thanks for taking the time to read! 
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