
Friday 29 May 2015

The Friendship Post

Hi guys!
I've finally finished University and I have plenty of time now :)

Writing a blog post on friendships has been on my heart for such a long time that now is the time to get this going. I just want to share some things I've learnt about having friends and I think I have plenty of experience in that department.

1. Friends come and go

I never thought this would be true because when I was younger I thought friends were forever. I had this idea that whatever friend I made they would be there till we're old and wrinkly but it was when I was about 17/18 that I realised that friends really do come and go. Let me paint the picture for you.
I just left Secondary school and I was going through some boy trouble that I felt I couldn't face alone and I thought I could reach out to one of my friends that I had known for around 4 years. So I called her and told her what was going on and up to this day I still remember the words she said to me; "Karla, you got yourself into this mess now you have to get out of it alone". I hanged up and thought how can she be like that? So heartless and rude, I can't believe I called her my friend. It took a while for me to forgive her especially because she was my church friend. I don't know where she is now or what she does but one thing I'm grateful for is the fact that she taught me that some friendships aren't always eternal despite all the time you spend together. 

Proverbs 18:24 "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
I had a group of 5 friends and now I hardly speak to them. 

2. Family as your BFF's

Boy oh boy! It took me a while to understand that my family really are my best friends. I know it sounds sad but they are the people you spend E V E R Y single day with and know you the best, they're the ones that put up with nearly every fit you have.
I remember my dad telling me that my mum, my sister, my brother and himself, were my friends. After my bad experience with friends I decided to take my dad's advice and find comfort, trust and friendship in my family. I now speak to my mum and sister about everything and anything and that has made our relationship and our bond even stronger. I've laughed and I've cried with them, shared meals with them and spent time with them in order to really know the people God has blessed me with. I've also been able to bond with my dad and my brother and understand them more because in my family there's more girl problems than there is boy problems lol. My parents always disciplined us when needed and gave us advice when it came to situations we couldn't solve ourselves which resulted in us also having that same connection as siblings and being there for each other. 

Proverbs 27:17 "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."
My family are my best friends and I wouldn't change it for the world. 

My blessing of a family (2012)

3. Yes to new friends!

During my college years I decided to be open about friendships and I'm glad I did because I was blessed with two of the most beautiful twins, Karen and Kate. My closest friends and the girls I can be myself and never get tired of spending time with them. Although our religious beliefs may be different it never affected the way in which we treat each other or even see each other. They've taught me the importance of respect and that you don't always have to see or speak everyday in order to prove that a friendship is there. I've countless of memories with them and I'm excited to create more #FriendsInPeru.
For my 3 years in University I obviously had my family and my fiancé's support but I don't think I could have made it without the motivation from one friend in particular, Suki. Many find their future husband/wife in University but I managed to find a friend for as long as I live. We were able to take a trip with our class to Greece and we bonded over food (food is always the best way to bond) jokes, coach rides and "thunder pants".
These are my 3 new friends that have taught me to not hold back when it comes to friendships.

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

They've shown respect and love in their own manner and their non judgemental ways. 

Dancing with Karen (2011)

Now with Kate (2011)

 Suki and I in Crete (2014)

4. Maintaining friends

Although I've made new friends and I've been able to appreciate my family as my friends I've also had to work with maintaining my "old" friends not they're old in age but old in friendship years... get it?
I've been lucky enough to still have 3 friends from my pre-teen years, Layla and Tina, and my mid-teen years, Bianca. Although we've had our ups and downs and misunderstandings here and there, these 3 girls have managed to stuck by my side through many many things and I couldn't be more grateful. 
Through Secondary school Layla and Tina were my girls, although some people came into our friendship group, and we gladly took them, they always left but the 3 of us remained together till the very end and I'm thankful because they were with me to experience school life. 
Shortly after school, I became friends with Bianca in the most odd way ever but it was a blessing in disguise. Due to the way we met, our friendship had it's rocky moments but praise God, because now she is my sister in Christ and I couldn't have it any other way. 
Obviously, life gets in the way and we're no longer teens but women who are working, studying, exploring and married, but through this we have worked to keep our friendships. As I mentioned before, we don't always have to speak or see each other on a weekly basis to know our friendship still lies there but as long as it's genuine care and love in our friendship then for me thats all that matters.

Romans 12:10 "Love one another with brotherly affection. Out do one another in showing honour."

(Left to Right) Bianca, Myself, Tina and Layla (2012)

5. God is my friend

I don't think anyone knows us well as God knows us, after all, Psalms 139:13-16 tells that God knitted us in our mothers wombs, he saw us and he knew what our lives would be like even before we were born and ready to begin it. 
My one true friend is found in Jesus, the one friend, father, brother and God who died for me. There have been many nights where I have cried myself to sleep or felt alone and the only one who was there was God. I found and still find comfort in His word during hard times but also during good times. 
The same way we care and try to spend time with our friends on earth is the same way in which God deserves the attention. I couldn't tell you how important it is to find Jesus as your friend because I know He has helped me and He has allowed all of these lovely ladies I call my friends to be in my life. 

James 4:8 "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."

For as long as I can, I will always be sure to go to God for everything and anything. My creator knows me more than anyone, flaws and all, yet He loves me and cares for me. 

Jumping for joy because Jesus loves me! (2012)

I look back at these friendships and realise that each one taught me something different and for now, I will cherish, love and respect each of them.

I can't leave without sharing pictures of my two furry friends! Pastor Armando Alducin said; "Do you want a companion? *YES* Then get a pet! They are the best companion you could have"
If you have the chance and opportunity to get a pet then I suggest you do, I love my furry friends as much as I love myself!

 Muñeca - The little puppy I rescued after she got abandoned on the streets in Ecuador, sadly, she passed away after I came back home :(

Fifi my feisty but beautiful kitty! Here she is nearly 3 months old.

Oreo he's the cutest, most hyper puppy ever. I love him so much and it's no secret 

How cute is his face?

I hope you enjoy this blogpost as much as I enjoyed writing it. And to my family and friends reading this, I love you all. 

Karla xoxo

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